Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Week 7: #17 Blog About Technology

I would love to blog MORE about technology. Being part-time, I don't have a lot of available work time to do explore more and grasp the concepts better.

When I attempt to work on this at home, my computer promptly freezes up and just as promptly kicks my off.

When this happens, I think, "this is technology? We have all these applications at hand but the computers between work and home are twitchy? What's that all about?"

So, on one hand I am lucky enough to be learning all these new, cool things. On the other hand, with all the improvements, just a bit of incompatibility will stifle your efforts to learn the new stuff.

To sum up, I am sailing down the super highway with a low tire, swerving all over the road.

H-m-m-m. But we always get back into the car no matter what the problem.

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